"So you're a Christian?"
That is a question I am sometimes asked, followed by people stepping back as though I am going to eat them alive. Once many years ago I gave a lift to a colleague at my new school in the pouring rain. She gratefully climbed into the car and then thanked me profusely whilst adding that she was so surprised that I would offer her a lift. I was thoroughly bewildered. Even more so when she told me why. She had announced that day that she was to have a lovely baby. This, it seems, was why she thought I would not let her into my car. "Well I'm pregnant and not married - and you're a Christian" she said. I really could not believe that anyone could think I would be such a judgemental prig. Later she often laughed about it and said "Well you're not exactly a normal Christian are you?"
Which brings me to the question I am asking in this blog. What is a Christian? We once had a vicar who gave a sermon about this and informed us that if he asked everyone in the church he would not get the same answer twice. I really don't think he would. So if we are all so different then why do we get the same label? Probably because, as with everything, it's only the negative side of things that gets the publicity and is then classed as 'the norm'. I don't think I can ever be accused of fitting anyone's 'norm' in anything.
So today I am going to explain what being a Christian means to me. You can read, find out more and then at least choose to avoid me with the truth rather than an imagined idea of who I am.
Well first of all I believe that a Christian is a follower of Christ's teachings - or at least what his friends remembered and wrote down about his teachings. From what I read this is based on tolerance, forgiveness, understanding and, before you start to have a go at others, accepting that you're not so great yourself! So I will not judge you,I have no right, because I have made plenty of mistakes of my own and am sure to make plenty more. I believe that we are all here to help and support each other wherever possible. I don't manage to get that right always but I try my best. It's all I can do.
So do I believe all that is written in the Bible? I am afraid that I do not. The Bible was written by humans, simple fallible humans, making sense of the world as best they could. As with everyone I choose to follow the parts of the Bible that speak to me and that I feel make me a better human being - there are a lot of those. I am an evolutionist, rooted in scientific fact and I am afraid that I do not believe in the virgin birth, I believe the resurrection was probably because medical standards then could not determine a death as we can now. This may shock many other Christians but to me this does not make him any less of a person whose teachings are worth following. He preached about ways of living that I still believe to be right today. Yes, he was called the son of God but he taught all to call God Father so I don't think it lessens my faith if I believe him to be just a wonderful human. Yes I still feel happy accepting the Trinity - I follow the Father, the teachings of Jesus and I sure get a lot of help from somewhere so I count that as the Holy Spirit giving a little help.
I also believe that Jesus would have taught far more acceptance than my Church allows today. Don't tell me that there were no women followers or that he would have let gay people be punished etc because I do not believe this to be the case. His story was written by friends who had watched their leader put to death in the most horrific way. I am sure that if I was trying to spread his teachings then that I would have been careful what I wrote too. The truth is that we do not know but I try hard to love my neighbour as myself and I don't believe that should have a lot of exceptions added.
So what about God? Do I believe in an invisible, all seeing being who answers prayers? Yes, I do. Do I believe that he/she is full of wrath and judgement? No, I do not. I believe him/her to be a loving God. And, before you ask, no I cannot explain all the suffering in the world and, yes, I do get very angry about it all very often but that doesn't stop me believing or praying. I am sorry if this makes you feel uneasy but it is just the way I am. Do I believe that only Christian prayers are answered? No I do not. I believe that we all pray to the same Deity just in different guises.
So, that is what being a Christian means to me. Now, if you still choose to avoid me, at least you are doing it knowing who I am and I respect your decision.