Saturday 31 December 2016

Our 2016 - A Pictorial Review

As a family we began the year in one of our favourite places - Crosby beach. We really are blessed
to have this on our doorstep and a brisk January walk along the seafront certainly blows away the cobwebs after the festive period. This is a special place - it clears your head when lost or upset and shines brighter when happiness fills your heart.

At the end of January we went down to Malvern to visit relatives and included a visit to Malvern Priory, above, and a walk in the beautiful hills. We really do live in a lovely country, both by landscape and history. 

February saw the first of many visits to wonderful Chester Zoo - here showing my daughter's beloved giraffes. The weather is always kind to us here and we always have a super time. So much to see and learn.

The end of February saw a trip to the Lady Lever Gallery to see the exhibition of Hollywood dresses and of course some of Millais' paintings. Port Sunlight is a beautiful village - both it and the gallery are well worth making a detour to visit if you are ever in the area.

March was a quiet month but we managed lots of park walks and I kept up with my gardening and birdwatching. If you ever feel a little stressed or tired, time in your garden is a wonderful thing. 

April saw a trip to stay with special friends in Scotland - a visit to Linlithgow, the Flight Museum, Scotland and sailing on the Firth of Forth around all three bridges.( I didn't take the camera sailing) We had such a lovely time and were very well looked after.

May brought some fine weather and time for lovely walks. Lots of fun was had hiking along Parbold canal above and being rewarded with Mr Whippy ice creams. It also gave us the chance to dress as ladies of the manor at Lyme Park.

Amber discovered Brideshead Revisited this year so, of course, early June saw a trip to beautiful Castle Howard. It was a brisk Yorkshire day when we went and the Temple of the Four Winds lived up to its name but the castle's beauty still shone forth.

July was our busiest month of all. Amber turned 18, so many parties and celebrations for that, my cousins came from Canada to stay - it was so lovely to see them, the miles really are too far. We visited the Cavern Quarter, the Albert Dock, toured Anfield ( Evertonian son unimpressed) and spent time with other relatives we see far too little of.

Early August brought a lovely holiday in Western Scotland. We stayed in a lodge sitting on a river and visited so many pretty places, some historical, some by the seaside and fine lochs. 

Later in August my lovely friend and her son came down from Scotland. There was another visit to Lyme Park, Ormskirk, Mere Sands Wood, St George's Hall, the Anglican Cathedral and, as you see above Southport's super model village. All great places but even better when shared with special people

September saw the return to school but still fine weather and time for trips to the beach and visits to Southport and lots of book shopping.

October saw another return to Malvern to visit family and see Worcestershire at its glorious, autumnal best, the colours really were wonderful. Then came my annual birthday treat to my beloved Bronte Parsonage and a little trip to Heptonstall.

November started mildly and we were still able to fit in lots of walks like the one above along the Broomscross Road. We had our first real frost which was very welcome and painted the garden with a festive glow,

And so came December which, while not without its difficulties, was also surrounded by the love of family and friends . reminding me that I am one of the luckiest people in the world and am truly blessed with all I have. The Christmas decoration above was sent from Canada the year we married and has adorned our tree every year since, though we are now not so young. 

In review, this has been rather a nice year, much has been achieved, lots of love has been shared and much laughter too. All that is left is for me to wish you all a wonderful New Year filled with love and happiness. May your troubles be few and your joys many. Remember to look for the good, it is always there.