Thursday 11 September 2014

To Autumn (with apologies to Mr Keats)

Autumn, the most perfect season of the entire year. John Keats described it as a 'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' and went on to pen an entire ode to it. Now, for one of our greatest poets to spend that much time writing about it, Autumn must be a pretty cool season.

I love it from the moment it begins. The farmers in the old part of town begin to bring in the harvest and I love cycling out there to watch them. I can imagine I am back in a time when life was much slower, despite the modern agricultural equipment. There is something calming and reassuring about watching the local farms at any time of year but in autumn it is just magical.

As you step outside the air begins to have a different smell and feel. At first it is a little sad because it feels as though summer is tired and slow and can't quite carry on. Bizarrely I always feel a little sorry for Summer at this point and it makes me a bit sad but as the season rolls in Summer steps aside and the air gets that delightful nip and it begins to wrap itself around you as you step outside as though it wants to hug you. Any season that loves you that much deserves to be loved back.

The fruits are so plentiful now too. We love to go to the squirrel reserve with tubs to collect the blackberries for crumbles and the apple and pear trees are just laden. Much to my husband's disgust there are tons of damsons too. I just love it. I'm  gathering the jars together now to make my first marmalade. The smells of autumn in the kitchen are mouthwatering. It takes me back to my childhood. My mother was always baking and her cooking followed the seasons. We seem to have lost that a little.

Then there are the colours of autumn, oh the beautiful, rich colours.  If you ever get the chance to go up to the Trossachs in October take it. I don't think there is a shade of yellow, orange, red or brown you don't see. If you are an artist please paint me a picture of it for my wall! Even in the local woods I love an evening walk, the low autumn sunlight makes the most wonderful shades and patterns through the trees.

The other autumn smell that I bizarrely love, and may not be environmentally friendly, is the smell of the autumn bonfires as people burn their leaves etc. I could spend hours in the garden of an evening just collecting the various scents and watching the last of the bees and butterflies flitting round the fading flowers.

Then there is Hallowe'en and Bonfire Night. Fun and parties and, you may shout at me, but I love fireworks - the crackles, whizzes, bangs and pops. I love the colours, and the Catherine wheels and those amazing ones like shooting stars that burst and shower down over the night sky. I love standing by the bonfire, listening to the crackling of the fire and feeling the heat on my face. I like bonfire parties where there is no Guy because I always cry to watch him get burned and want to pull him out! And toffee apples. I eat healthily most of the year but on Bonfire night you just have to have a toffee apple.

So, in summary, what is the best thing about Autumn? ...... well, everything really!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog, perfect writing Janet, congratulations :)
