Wednesday, 15 February 2023

On discovering Mr Bronowski


(Image of  Jacob Bronowski via Wikimedia Commons

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When my husband was nine he was allowed to stay up each week to watch Jacob Bronowski's The Ascent of Man Series. It had a lasting impact. When he was eleven his dad bought him the book that accompanied the tv series. I think it was thanks to such programmes as this that Robert is such a wonderful scientist and is open to learning so many new things. I, however missed this and my scientific and historical knowledge is, at best, patchy.

A few years ago I bought him the boxed set of the series for Christmas. Every time he suggested that we watched it I found an excuse. I was hopeless at science and history at school and sort of switched off so, quite often, I will still avoid things in those genres now. Last year he finally persuaded me to watch the Cosmos series with Carl Sagan. It was wonderful and I learned so much. Still I put off watching the Ascent of  Man. It seemed far too intellectual for me.

For some reason a few months ago I suddenly wanted to give it a try. I am so glad that I did. We watched it each Sunday working our way through fossils, cave painting, agriculture, architecture, elements and alloys, mathematics, astronomy, technology, evolution and so many other topics. I learned so much and was swept along by Bronowski's enthusiasm and authority. Sometimes I would have to ask Robert to pause it and explain something in more detail but that was praise for Jacob Bronowski because I wanted to understand and learn, rather than switch off and avoid. This has to be one of the best series that I have ever watched.

I have now borrowed Robert's book, one of his treasures, but I want to learn more, to catch up on any bits that I missed or didn't quite understand. Jacob Bronowski has won me round to exploring more about our world and its history. Last Sunday I was so disappointed to find that we had watched the final episode. I will miss Mr Bronowski on a Sunday night, like a favourite teacher you leave behind.

Robert has suggested that we try something new, now that I have more enthusiasm for the subjects. He has shown me clips of  James Burke's Connections and Jonathan Miller's The Body in Question. Neither seem to have the enthusiasm and sheer enjoyment of the subjects that Jacob Bronowski had but of the two I have opted for The Body In Question. This was another series Robert thought wonderful in his youth and, as he says, I can try it and decide if I want to carry on after the first episode.

Maybe I will enjoy it, I'm getting more interested in subjects that I never thought I would try and, if I do, there will be another book to explain the bits I don't quite get - and, as you know, I love books!

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