Friday, 17 June 2016

Don't Let Hatred Ever Win

                                       My mother taught me love
                                       To forgive when you were wronged
                                       That's what my mother did
                                       And that's why she was strong

                                       My father taught acceptance
                                       Of folk from other lands
                                       He practised what he preached
                                       As he gently held my hand
                                       My mother said "Don't listen
                                       When people speak with hate
                                       The truth gets lost, not cared about
                                       It's such a sorry state"

                                       My father gave me time
                                       Helped me pause to think things through
                                       That when upset and angry
                                       "You stop and think, you do"

                                       My mother showed me kindness
                                       How to love my fellow man
                                       Now, even on dark days like these, 
                                       I do the best I can

                                       My parents were amazing
                                       They taught how life should be
                                       Don't let hatred ever win
                                       Love's better you will see

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