Thursday, 3 October 2019

Burnt Embers

                                                Burnt embers in the morning sky
                                                The ashes of past mistakes
                                                Long cluttering her consciousness
                                                Blown on autumn winds
                                                Clearing her mind for future plans

                                                The fire begins to breathe again
                                                Burning over the rooftops
                                                Chasing the geese, not clipping wings
                                                Illuminating her darkened world
                                                Adding red and gold to monochrome

                                               With sudden hope she lifts her eyes
                                                As colour fills her soul
                                                Renewing within a lust for life
                                                She opens wide the door
                                                And the black dog leaves home

Thursday, 6 June 2019

On The Importance of Niceness

One of the first things my mother ever told me was to 'be nice' and to 'play nice'. I didn't appreciate the importance of the life lesson she was teaching me at the time. My mother had many phrases to help prepare me for the world - sometimes, I'm ashamed to say, I forget some of them.

These days the word nice seems to be denigrated. Being nice is often seen as a sign of weakness and naivety. Believe me if you meet really nice people they are anything but. It takes a great deal of strength to be nice in this world, to not retaliate angrily when provoked - I try hard, but sometimes I fail. I always greatly admire those who can maintain their composure in the face of great provocation.

As a country I always thought that we were generally nice, polite and caring. Over recent years I have watched this vision collapse as I have watched politicians fight for the good of themselves, not their country. I have  watched powerful people manipulate and divide the population and some even encourage hatred and division. My country has changed from a place I loved to one I am often ashamed of.  The current political climate and newspapers encourage anger and I see so many people, who would have agreed to disagree, arguing vociferously. Sadly social media has given an extra voice to to this vitriol with people rising to bait and anger increasing.

So what can we do? My mother always told me to never retaliate with anger -'That's just lowering yourself to their level' Another favourite phrase of hers was 'Don't bear grudges, because while your sitting at home nursing your grudge, they're out dancing' Over the years I have seen the wisdom of her words. Whenever possible, when faced with an argumentative person who is not prepared to listen or debate, I walk away with my dignity intact. Indeed I am firmly of the opinion that when a person begins to yell, they have already lost the argument.

As I was leaving to start my first day at university I was quite anxious. My mother's advice was 'Just be kind' then she followed me out to the hall and added 'But don't let anyone walk over you!' Wise words from a wise woman. She taught me to stand up for myself too but in an assertive, not an aggressive manner. 'You can say no nicely Janet' As the saying goes 'it costs nothing to be nice' I try to be so whenever I can and I usually find that people are invariably nice in return. Over the years I have met a lot of very nice people and, from each of them I have learned a little more about the kind of person I would like to be, I'm not there yet. I hope I do get there one day. I try hard because I want my mother to look down and be proud of me.

If we all try hard to be a little kinder and a little nicer we can change the world for the better. Try random acts of kindness, a nice word or a compliment to brighten someone's day and don't rise to anger bait or get drawn into other people's aggressive worlds, Every time you refuse to retaliate there is a little less anger in the world - and you did that.

Shall we all make an agreement to try being a little nicer, a little kinder and a little more understanding? Each time we do we make this world a better place.

Oh and remember the words of the song 'Those hardest to love need it the most' - you could make a real difference in someone's life.

Above all - just play nice.

Saturday, 11 May 2019

We don't always like the same books and that is just fine

Reading, I have always found to be a very personal thing. We each have our favourite authors and genres. Some of us stick to those and rarely branch outside their comfort zones, others read a whole variety of books and styles, some prefer novels, some non fiction books, others choose graphic novels. All are fine.I remember reading somewhere that if you don't like to read then you just haven't found the right book. I have to agree. Books are not a one size fits all.

People who do not like tomato sauce and wouldn't eat lasagne or bolognese would never dream of telling you to do the same and yet people will tell you never to read a book because they hated it. There are not many books that I do not finish but there have been a few - most recently Truman Capote's In Cold Blood. I had been looking forward to it for so long because I had read so many wonderful reviews of it and it was recommended by many people who's opinions I trust. Sadly I just could not get along with the story at all and eventually gave up. This doesn't mean that it was a poor book or that it was badly written, neither are true. It just was not for me and that is fine. I know how much it is valued but life is too short to struggle along with something you are not enjoying.

After discarding the Capote I started an Elizabeth Gaskill which I absolutely loved - but of course I would as I adore Victorian Literature. I am sure that some of you would never choose a piece from that period because it is not your genre of choice. I would think you are missing out but, as I have said before, it is each to his own. I struggle with a lot of Science Fiction novels and really would not choose one specifically had it not been recommended by a friend. Again, this is no reflection on the work, it is just my personal preference. Through recommendations I have branched out to H G Wells, John Wyndham and one Philip K Dick and loved them all so maybe there is hope for me as a Science Fiction reader after all.

When I read a book I enjoy I will say how much I loved it and recommend it, I cannot guarantee that those who choose to read it after me will do so too, and I am sorry if you do not, but I like to share my enthusiasms. If I really do not enjoy a book I will either not comment at all or simply say that I struggled a little or that it was not for me. I try not to give negative reviews because 1 know that we are all different and I would not like to put someone off a book they may enjoy just because I did not. I also am fully aware that I have never written a book and do not have the skill or time to do so and wouldn't give a damning review to someone who has. I will always call out prejudice but other than that I will just not recommend.

The only other thing I will say about reading is not to be put off what you enjoy because someone else does not think that it is good enough. What you enjoy is what you enjoy and that is always good enough. If you like reading books for younger readers that is fine, if you prefer comic books that is also fine. I struggle with deep philosophy books and ancient literature but I have a friend who adores them.

So the message in today's blog is to find what you enjoy reading, read it and don't let anyone put you off. If you want to branch out sometimes do so but do it because you want to, not because you have been forced to. Reading is a gift to enjoy and I do hope that you enjoy it.

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

The Joy of Children's Literature

Children's Literature is a genre that is frequently overlooked by adults setting reading lists and goals. As we mature we put aside childish things and move on to what we consider 'greater' works. This is such a pity because, in doing this, we deprive ourselves of so much wonderful literature.

As a child I read and enjoyed many children's classics. Some I read to myself, others were read to me. All left wonderful memories and helped shape the reader I am today. The joy of those books never left me and when I had children of my own I bought new copies of those I'd given away and enjoyed the stories all over again. We found books that I had missed as a child and some new ones too. I looked forward to bedtime story time as much as my children. We read the What Katy Did books, the Shoe books, My Naughty Little Sister, Harry Potter, Wilma Tenderfoot. We laughed, we cried and we loved every minute.

As our children grew and were ready to move to secondary school they had progressed from having stories read at bedtime and were happier reading to themselves. Oh how I still miss those bedtime stories.

In recent years we have cleared shelves and found books that my children read that I missed. Two years ago I read Polyanna for the first time, what a lovely, positive story. Last year my daughter recommended I Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith, a book that she had read in Y4.  I decided to give it a go. I absolutely loved it and remembered how it felt to be a teenager. It was at this point that I decided to ask people for recommendations of children's books. I was given so many and am gradually working my way through them. I was introduced to Erich Kastner by a friend in Germany and read The Flying Classroom, a delightful book, filled with the kindness and positivity I love. Next month I hope to read Daddy Long Legs by Jean Webster. I have a very long list now and so this year I have decided to include one children's book a month in my reading list - some new, some old favourites.

One of the suggestions in my Hygge list is to 'read a favourite book from childhood' I did that in November and December with The Hundred and One Dalmations and A Christmas Carol. There is something very comforting about reading a story from back in your youth,. It transports you back to the happy, secure place where you first read the story and, despite gloomy news on tv and in newspapers, it gives you a tremendous feeling of well being.

Sadly, as a teacher, I would sometimes hear children being told by parents that they were 'too big' for some stories. This always made me feel sad. I would tell them that you are never too big for any children's story and be it a younger age book or a comic, as long as they were reading and enjoying it, that was all that mattered.

And what of those who say that now we are adults we shouldn't read children's stories? Well, they are either reading the wrong children's stories or have been poisoned by a sceptical age that frowns on anything they consider to be immature. Personally I would recommend that you all try some children's fiction and make your world a little brighter. They are written for you too. As C S Lewis said 'A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest.' and he wrote some great children's stories. I know because I read them for the first time as an adult.

Now, make your world better and go find a really good children's book or, if you have any you think I should read, please let me know,