First of all, apologies for the lateness of this end of April blog. My excuse is tiredness and being a little poorly last week. Anyway here it finally is.
My decision at the beginning of the year was to try to live in the moment. This has been serving me well. Sometimes, however, it is not always possible. There are times when we have to fit around other people. April was one of those months. We had so many visitors and so many places booked for us to visit that our feet barely touched the ground. It has been both wonderful and exhausting. We have visited lovely places both locally and the length of the country from Devon to Edinburgh.
So what have I learned this month? Firstly, that I love my family and friends and think that the tiredness was worth all the travel for the time spent together. Secondly, that I'm not a spring chicken any more and I have to learn to pace myself. In future if I have one busy weekend I shall take the next weekend off before I have another busy one. Thirdly, as I learned during the pandemic, I am part hermit. I need my quiet time and that is okay, it is part of me - and part of living in the moment for me is finding moments to just be, to rest my head and do nothing. I will be sure to allocate alone time in future, it is needed. For me too much rushing from one thing and one conversation to another is too much, sometimes I have to just be.
We are each of us different some need to be constantly surrounded by people and out all the time but some of us need lots of quiet hibernation time too. Both are valid. What is important in life is to find out who you were meant to be and to be that person. As my Mum would tell you, the people who really matter will accept you for who you are, even if that is different to them.
So what about May? Well I intend to take a few weeks to just be quiet and antisocial to reset my head, then I will maybe join in with some of the exciting events of the month. I've already missed May Day/Beltane/International Workers' Day. I missed the Dawn Chorus and Beating the Bounds yesterday - which was also Orthodox Easter (I'm happy to share your chocolate if you are celebrating).
So what is to come?
9th May Ascension Day - I may buy some white and yellow flowers for my porch and redecorate it in a white and yellow theme. Today is also Europe Day a day for celebrating peace and unity in Europe. I may add the flag of Europe to my porch display.
12th May International Nurses Day - Florence Nightingale's birthday and a day to remember all the wonderful nurses around the world.
Today is also National Children's Day in the UK a day to focus on the importance of a healthy childhood and protecting the rights of children. Plenty to think about in our country where some children go to school hungry. Even if a foodbank donation is all I can do today I will do that.
19th May Whit Sunday - I always remember my mother telling me that, as children, she and my aunt were always bought new clothes for Whit Sunday. I may treat myself to a new dress for church this year.
20th May World Bee Day - to raise the importance of our pollinators and to ensure our gardens are bee friendly. Today I may plant extra bee lavender, they seem to like that.
26th May Towel Day - for those of us who love Douglas Adams (thank you for getting me into University Mr Adams) today is a day for openly carrying your towel around all day because as every Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fan knows you Don't Panic and you always carry a towel.
29th May - National Biscuit Day - I may try a new biscuit recipe today
So, as you see, there is plenty to keep me busy in May, if that's what I choose, but I will also find time to rest and just be me. There is a time for everything and, as I am learning this year, which it is will be decided on the day.
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