Tuesday 10 April 2018

Book Review - Fingers in the Sparkle Jar

                                                      FINGERS IN THE SPARKLE JAR
                                                                        A Memoir
                                                                  by Chris Packham

This was an interesting book to read. It is filled with personal reminiscences of a childhood spent with nature and books. The author's love for wildlife shines through. It is an honest memoir that doesn't gloss over the upsetting side of nature or things you do as an interested child that you may frown upon as an adult.

The book also deals with how the author struggled to fit in as a child (he was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome as an adult) and eventually retreated into his own world. A fine world of nature. I found myself frequently angry with people who won't accept someone who doesn't fit into a box they regard as 'normal'.

I struggled a little with the way the memoir was set out - a tale from 1978 may be followed by one from 1974, then one from 1968 and one from 2004. This I feel says more about me than the book. I like things organised and chronological. That is just one of my foibles. The thing is the book is a memoir. If I was sitting telling a friend about my childhood I would probably tell it in the same way a story from when I was 9, then when I was 7, then I'd remember a tale from my teens etc.

In this book are many childhood tales of collecting, watching, caring for and exploring to find out more. Not all pleasant tales. The love and encouragement of his parents shines throughout.

As well as tales of nature Chris also talks about his battle with depression through memoirs of meetings with a therapist. This is a totally open and honest memoir and I can understand why it was loved so much by Winterwatch viewers.

So should you read it?

8/10 An interesting and thought provoking book. Even if you're not a great reader, this is set out in a series of short reminiscences which makes it ideal to dip into in your lunch breaks. I'm sure that you'll be glad you did.

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